The prototype design pattern is a creational design pattern that allows you to create new objects by copying existing objects.
The builder pattern is a design pattern that allows for the creation of complex objects through a step-by-step construction process.
A facade refers to the front wall of a large building that can be seen from the outside. The facade design pattern is analogous to a facade in architecture.
Cryptography is the method of securing data from unauthorised access. It secures transactions between nodes in the blockchain network.
A Merle tree is a data structure that stores the hash of the combined children in each parent. It is also known as a hash tree.
The process of converting an arbitrary size of data into a fixed-sized value is called hashing and it is a one-way process.
With an increase in PHP usages and new frameworks are coming. It was felt to have a standard set of rules. This Standardization is called as PSR.
Logging is the way to keep records for the event. Why we need so many log level? What is their severity level? Learn the uses of logs.
We collected a few very important database SQL queries.